Latest news

Thursday 28th of March 2024 9:51 am AWST - Construction Update

Here are a few photos I took. They may look small, but they work for us.

Published by: Aymen AL Zoubayday | Team Luminous | Manager 

Old News

Sunday 25th of March 2024 9:45 am AWST - Update

We're excited to be back! We've decided to ditch the formalities and talk openly about what's been holding up website updates for the game. The new office construction is nearing completion! Working from home has been a challenge for game development, but the new space will allow our team to collaborate effectively and bring the game to life. Progress is ongoing! We're finalizing some models, and we've implemented a day/night system that reflects real-world time. Finally, the first part of the official story has been planned and is being scripted. Once that's complete, we can move on to map design and core mechanics.

Published by: Aymen AL Zoubayday | Team Luminous | Manager 

Sunday 14th of JanuJANUARY 2024 - Pause

We're currently encountering some hurdles preventing us from sharing new updates about the game's progress. However, we're diligently working behind the scenes to overcome these challenges and will resume regular updates once we're back on track. We appreciate your patience and look forward to providing exciting news soon!

Published by: Aymen AL Zoubayday | Team Luminous | Manager 

Sunday 19th of November 2023 - Story script started

We are pleased to announce the formation of a dedicated team to craft the narrative for Project Luminous Sapphire. This development marks a significant milestone in the project's progression as we embark on the journey of shaping its compelling storyline. We are confident that this team's expertise and passion in story design will bring our vision to life.

Published by: Aymen AL Zoubayday | Team Luminous | Manager 

Monday 13th of November 2023 - Developement started

In parallel with the ongoing development of detailed and intricate game models, a dedicated team is simultaneously crafting the game's immersive mechanics and meticulously designing the expansive game map.

Published by: Aymen AL Zoubayday | Team Luminous | Manager